Excellence in
Transport Forecasting

An Auckland Council, NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport Partnership

Travel Demand Forecasts Mapping Portal

This mapping portal allows users to view, map, and output baseline travel demand forecasts generated by AFC's Macro Strategic Model (MSM). These forecasts serve as a consistent basis for project testing across the Auckland region, based on agreed assumptions about future land use, economic conditions, transport policies, and infrastructure investments. Additional assumptions details are available in the portal.

This mapping portal consists of four applications:

This mapping portal and the forecast data provided in it are copyright of the AFC and its Partner organisations. The information provided is modelled data based on the "Forecast Assumptions" panel in the mapping portal which may be revised from time to time. We do not accept any liability for the use or interpretation of the information and users should inform us of any issues, errors or omissions identified relating to the data.

The zone boundary in the mapping portal is based on Stats NZ's data which are licensed by Stats NZ for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.